But there is also an Bahamas Phone Numbers List aspiration to greater well-being that includes, as its iconic satisfiers, a large house located in a good place, leisure and quality vacations (in Varadero or abroad), professional care for elderly and children (grandparents' homes, private nurseries), work and pleasure trips, automobile,twenty. These aspirations are already fully or Bahamas Phone Numbers List partially satisfied in some groups interviewed, especially small business owners, international sector employees and artists, among others. Taking these Bahamas Phone Numbers List desires and needs to their equivalent in terms of the money that would be needed to satisfy them.
Bahamas Phone Numbers List it is found that the most modest of these welfare models requires 8,000 cup (Cuban pesos) per month per person (around 300 cuc ) to satisfy it. It is a gross calculation, without a basis for statistical representativeness, and does not Bahamas Phone Numbers List consider the size of the nucleus or people with special needs.twenty-one. It is necessary to delve into different groups and territories, but it already throws clues about the presence of a welfare model for urban middle classes, the distance between reality and Bahamas Phone Numbers List desires, and the dissatisfaction gap present in the country.
New emerging identities. Studies on the Bahamas Phone Numbers List subjectivities of social groups in formation find that self-employment refers to «a group that denotes and connotes». The subjects recognize themselves as self-employed mainly from not Bahamas Phone Numbers List working for the State and having the possibility of satisfying needs, better quality of life and economic solvency. Membership in the group generates positive evaluations such as optimism, satisfaction, fulfillment, happiness and appreciation. They negatively evaluate the presence of stress and Bahamas Phone Numbers List high workload. There are clear aspirations for improvement: buy a car, expand the business.